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The Importance of Time Management

01 July 2024

Effective time management is a crucial skill for managers, enabling them to lead their teams more efficiently and achieve organisational goals. In today’s fast-paced business environment, managers are often juggling multiple responsibilities, from overseeing projects to nurturing team development. The ability to manage time effectively can make the difference between success and failure. Here are […]

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Why It Is Essential to Manage Change

20 June 2024

Change is a constant in today’s fast-paced business environment. Whether driven by technological advancements, market dynamics, regulatory shifts, or internal organisational evolution, change is inevitable. However, managing change effectively is not just about responding to these shifts but proactively steering them to the organisation’s advantage. Below, we explore why managing change is essential and how […]

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The Importance of Coaching Skills in Improving Employee Engagement and Productivity

31 May 2024

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business environment, the role of a manager has transformed dramatically. No longer is a manager simply a taskmaster; instead, they are expected to be mentors, leaders, and coaches. The transition from traditional management to coaching can have profound effects on employee engagement, communication, and overall productivity. Investing in a comprehensive […]

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Using AI with integrity – guidance for learners

07 February 2024

Artificial Intelligence – commonly referred to as “AI” – has many definitions, but essentially it is the over-arching term used to describe any advancements in computing, systems and technology whereby computer programs can perform tasks or solve problems that apply reasoning that is typically associated with human intelligence. Let’s face it, everyone has a view […]

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Top 10 Tips to Master the Art of Report Writing

23 October 2023

    Reports are the lifeblood of effective management. They provide insights, facilitate decision-making, and serve as a vital means of communication within an organisation. As a manager, your ability to write clear and concise reports is crucial to your success, and when you can master the art of producing meaningful reports that have the […]

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‘Accidental Manager’ syndrome – How to help new managers succeed

05 October 2023

Jordan was exceptional at their job. When you assigned Jordan a task to complete, you knew you wouldn’t have to check in with them. It got done. Reports always came in ahead of time. Sales targets were met — even beaten. Jordan was a great collaborator and team player but often preferred to work in […]

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Everyone is talking about… EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE

20 September 2023

Everyone is talking about emotional intelligence right now – and we are too. In fact at Adalta we have been banging on about it for the last 20-years. Not because it is the management buzzword of the moment, but because it makes good – no great – business sense. Traditionally people focused only on IQ – […]

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Top Five Courses for New Managers

21 June 2023

Having strong managers at every level of management is essential to organisational success.  But sometimes this can be a chicken and egg situation; after all, becoming a great manager isn’t something that just happens with a promotion. We often find that people are promoted because they are technically brilliant in what they do, however, moving […]

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Active Disengagement – Don’t neglect your star performers!

03 May 2023

Skills Gaps The UK Government research briefing ‘Skills and Labour Shortages’, published earlier this year, highlights the difficulty that businesses are experiencing recruiting employees with the relevant skills. In August 2022 the Federation of Small Businesses found that 78% of small firms have faced difficulties recruiting applicants with suitable skills in the previous 12 months. A key […]

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